Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Blog Rules

Based on a palpable groundswell of underwhelming demand, I've decided to create a web log or "blog".

There's something missing in your life. Admit it. And that something is greater knowledge of my thoughts, feelings, and opinions about my life.

But enough about you. Just to make sure we're "on the same page", here's what you can expect if for some reason you are interested in returning to this blog:

What you will not find on this blog:

- Arguments or opinions substantiated by actual facts or even the basic logic of a small child.

- 2+ readers

- A lot of posts and stuff.

- A casually witty deconstruction of The Federalist Papers.

- Health tips.

What you will find on this blog:

- Non sequiters.

- Foul language.

- A surprising tenderness.

- Cock jokes.

- Angry unfiltered diatribes peppered with ecstatic but fleeting moments of joy, understanding, and clarity.

- An unshakable appreciation for humanity.

Fair engough? Godspeed.


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